After last weeks revelations from West Hollywood, that treasured Republicans, known as Young Eagles, have an unhealthy interest in certain women's issues, RNC chairman Michael Steele has gone to great lengths to present a more staid image than these affluent young donors.
Steele was seen Friday returning numerous items, bras, teddies, and an extraordinary variety of boyshorts, to Victoria's Secret. He was later seen at J.C. Penney purchasing a six pack of granny panties, and a Republican plain cloth coat.
Stung by criticism of his lavish style, private jets and Hawaiian rendezvous, climbing on a Greyhound in downtown Washington, Steele announced that the Republican Central Committee would hold their quarterly meeting at the Capital Heights Motel 6.
Observers find Steele's transformation a little strange and hard to believe. Confronted, Steele's response was, "Strange, you want strange? I do strange."
Interviewed on The Glenn Beck Show, Tea Party darling and former Miss Wasilla, Sarah Palin was critical of Steele's hair. But Palin allowed she, "kinda liked the changey thing."
"If he really wants to sell this, he's gotta get a better hairdresser. I recommend the guy Grampa John hired for me. And hey, I know some great places to shop. Ya know, clothes don't just make the man!"
Beck disagreed. He recommended Steele switch to Butchwax.
Listeners tuning in to Rush Limbaugh's daily radio program were treated to an unusual moment when the host, missing the On Air signal, commented he thought Steele was "hot, but would probably bring over a grand in rubber."
Former Young Eagles director, Allison Meyers, fired by the RNC, had some advice for party chairman Steele. "If he's going to go for it, he's got to get down. You aren't going to raise classical money without a little more skin and a lot more action."
But the biggest surprise to come out of Republican headquarters this week was the announcement that celebrity transvestite RuPaul will

Questioned by reporters, the new aide encouraged his boss. "Look at me--a big old black man under all of this makeup, and if I can look beautiful, so can you."
Challenged that Steele's new image would not be accepted by mainstream Republicans, the flamboyant aide opined, "We all came into this world naked. The rest is all drag."
"All sins are forgiven once you start making a lot of money."
A message that will have the ring of truth for many Republicans.
May B. Fine; Assoc. Editor, The New Standard